泡菜、韩国蔬菜和牛肉饺子。 Dumpling with Kimchi, Korean Vegetables and Beef.
A-3. 韩式猪肉蒸饺 Steamed Meat Mandoo (6pcs)
韩国蔬菜和牛肉饺子。 Dumpling with Korean Vegetables and Beef.
A-6. 蛋卷 Egg Roll
A-7. 玉米热狗 Corn Dog
月售10+ | 14人推荐
A-8. 泡菜饼 Kim Chi Jun
泡菜、鱿鱼、洋葱煎饼。 Pancake with Kimchi, Squid & Onion.
月售10+ | 好评率100%
A-9. 海鲜饼 Hae Mul Pa Jun
煎饼配海鲜和葱。 Pancake with Seafood Combination & Green Onion.
月售100+ | 24人推荐
B-1. 韩式烤排骨 Korean B.B.Q.-Gal Bi
用甜酱腌制和烤制的短牛肋骨。 Short Beef Ribs Marinated in Sweet Sauce and Grilled.
月售10+ | 6人推荐
G-1. 甜酱牛肉 Bul Go Ki Beef
用甜酱腌制的牛肉薄片。配有蒸米饭和泡菜。 Thin Sliced Beef Marinated in Sweet Sauce. Served with steamed rice and kimchi.
月售10+ | 6人推荐
G-2. 辣酱猪肉(辣) Jae Yuk Bokeum (Spicy)
用甜辣酱腌制的猪肉片。配有蒸米饭和泡菜。 Sliced Pork Marinated in Sweet & Hot Sauce. Served with steamed rice and kimchi.
G-3. 韩式烤鸡肉(辣) Bul Go Ki Chicken (Spicy)
辣味鸡肉片。配有蒸米饭和泡菜。 Sliced Chicken Marinated in Hot Sauce. Served with steamed rice and kimchi.
G-4. 泡菜五花肉(辣) Sam Gyup Sal Kim Chi Bok Eum (Spicy)
香辣煎泡菜和猪肉。配有蒸米饭和泡菜。 Hot and Spicy Pan Fried Kimchi and Pork. Served with steamed rice and kimchi.
月售10+ | 5人推荐
G-5. 炸猪排 Don Katsu
炸过面包的调味猪肉片。配有沙拉和卡兹酱。配有蒸米饭和泡菜。 Deep fried Breaded Slices of Seasoned Pork. Served with Salad and Katsu Sauce. Served with steamed rice and kimchi.
G-6. 辣炒鱿鱼(辣) Oh Jing Uh Bokeum (Spicy)
炒鱿鱼和蔬菜配辣酱。配有蒸米饭和泡菜。 Stir Fried Squid and Vegetables with Hot Sauce. Served with steamed rice and kimchi.
月售10+ | 好评率100%
G-7. 辣炒鸡胗(辣)
蒜蓉和墨西哥辣椒炒鸡胗(不包括米饭)。配有泡菜。 Stir Fried Chicken Gizzard with Garlic and Jalapeno (Not Including Rice). Served with kimchi.
G-8. 辣拌海螺(辣)
辣味白螺肉拌蔬菜(不含米饭)。配有泡菜。 Bai Top Shell Mixed with Vegetables in Spicy Sauce (Not Including Rice). Served with kimchi.
G-10. 糖醋肉 Tang Soo Yuk
糖醋猪肉(不包括米饭)。配有泡菜。 Sweet and Sour Pork (Not Including Rice). Served with kimchi.
月售10+ | 好评率100%
J-1. 泡菜锅(辣) Kim Chi Ji Gae (Spicy)
猪肉泡菜汤。配有蒸米饭和泡菜。 Kimchi Soup with Pork. Served with steamed rice and kimchi.
J-2. 辣牛肉汤(辣) Yook Gae Jang (Spicy)
韩国蔬菜和牛肉的辣汤。配有米饭和泡菜。 Spicy Soup with Korean Vegetables and Beef. Served with steamed rice and kimchi.
J-3. 猪肉豆腐煲(辣) Soon Doo Boo Ji Gae-Pork (Spicy)
蔬菜和猪肉的辣味软豆腐汤。配有蒸米饭和泡菜。 Spicy Soft Tofu Soup with Vegetables and Pork. Served with steamed rice and kimchi.
J-4. 牛肉豆腐煲(辣) Soon Doo Boo Ji Gae-Beef (Spicy)
蔬菜牛肉香辣软豆腐汤。配有蒸米饭和泡菜。 Spicy Soft Tofu Soup with Vegetables and Beef. Served with steamed rice and kimchi.
月售50+ | 11人推荐
J-5. 海鲜豆腐煲(辣) Soon Doo Boo Ji Gae-Seafood (Spicy)
蔬菜海鲜麻辣软豆腐汤。配有蒸米饭和泡菜。 Spicy Soft Tofu Soup with Vegetables and Seafood. Served with steamed rice and kimchi.
月售10+ | 10人推荐
J-6. 大酱汤(辣) Dan Jang Ji Gae (Spicy)
黄豆汤配豆腐、蔬菜和牛肉。配有蒸米饭和泡菜。 Spiy Soy Bean Soup with Tofu, Vegetables and Beef. Served with steamed rice and kimchi.
J-7. 卷心菜牛小骨汤(辣) Cabbage Galbi Tang (Spicy)
辣汤配牛肋骨、白菜和蔬菜。配有蒸米饭和泡菜。 Spicy Soup with Beef Ribs, Cabbage, and Vegetables. Served with steamed rice and kimchi.
月售10+ | 好评率100%
J-8. 牛骨汤 Sul Rung Tang
牛骨汤。配有米饭和泡菜。 Beef Bone Soup. Served with steamed rice and kimchi.
月售10+ | 4人推荐
J-9. 牛小排汤 Galbi Tang
牛肉蛋汤配牛肋骨和蔬菜。配有蒸米饭和泡菜。 Beef Egg Soup with Beef Ribs and Vegetables. Served with steamed rice and kimchi.
月售50+ | 复购第1名
J-10. 土豆排骨汤(辣) Gam Ja Tang (Spicy)
香辣猪肉汤配土豆和蔬菜。配有蒸米饭和泡菜。 Spicy Pork Soup with Potatoes and Vegetables. Served with steamed rice and kimchi.
月售50+ | 好评率100%
J-11. 土豆锅(辣) Gam Ja Jun Gol (Spicy)
香辣猪肉汤配土豆和蔬菜。配有蒸米饭和泡菜。 Spicy Pork Soup with Potatoes and Vegetables. Served with steamed rice and kimchi.
J-12. 五花肉辣酱汤(辣) Go Choo Jang Ji Gae (Spicy)
香辣猪肉汤配蔬菜。配有米饭和泡菜。 Spicy Pork Soup with Vegetables. Served with steamed rice and kimchi.
J-13. 部队锅(辣) Bu Dae Ji Gae (Spicy)
辣汤配香肠和火腿,泡菜,蔬菜。配有蒸米饭和泡菜。 Spicy Soup with Sausage and Ham, Kimch, Vegetables and Noodle. Served with steamed rice and kimchi.
月售100+ | 13人推荐
J-14. 部队锅(辣) Bu Dae Jun Gol (Spicy)
辣汤配香肠和火腿、泡菜、蔬菜和面条。配以米饭和泡菜。 Spicy Soup with Sausage and Ham, Kimch, Vegetables and Noodle. Served with steamed rice and kimchi.
J-15. 牛肚锅(辣) Gop Chang Jun Gol (Spicy)
牛肠辣汤,牛肉,蔬菜和面条。配有蒸米饭和泡菜。 Spicy Soup with Beef intestines, Beef, Vegetables and Noodle. Served with steamed rice and kimchi.
J-17. 贻贝汤(辣) Hong Hap Tang (Spicy)
贻贝汤与蔬菜和墨西哥辣椒。配有蒸米饭和泡菜。 Mussel Soup with Vegetables and Jalapeno. Served with steamed rice and kimchi.
N-1. 泡菜炒饭(辣) Kimchi Fried Rice (Spicy)
配有泡菜/不包括蒸米饭,配送和自提时不包括面条。 Served w kimchi /does not include steamed rice, for delivery & pick up noodle is not included.
月售10+ | 4人推荐
N-2. 鸡肉炒饭 Chicken Fried Rice
配有泡菜/不包括蒸米饭,配送和自提时不包括面条。 Served w kimchi /does not include steamed rice, for delivery & pick up noodle is not included.
月售10+ | 好评率100%
N-3. 牛肉炒饭 Beef Fried Rice
配有泡菜/不包括蒸米饭,配送和自提时不包括面条。 Served w kimchi /does not include steamed rice, for delivery & pick up noodle is not included.
N-4. 虾仁炒饭 Shrimp Fried Rice
配有泡菜/不包括蒸米饭,配送和自提时不包括面条。 Served w kimchi /does not include steamed rice, for delivery & pick up noodle is not included.
月售10+ | 4人推荐
N-5. 年糕汤 Duk Gook
牛肉蛋汤配年糕片。配有泡菜/不含蒸饭,配送和自提不含面条。 Beef Egg Soup with Slices of Rice Cake. Served w kimchi /does not include steamed rice, for delivery & pick up noodle is not included.
月售10+ | 好评率100%
N-6. 水饺汤
牛肉蛋汤配肉粽和年糕片。配有泡菜/不含蒸饭,配送和自提不含面条。 Beef Egg Soup with Meat Dumplings and Slices of Rice Cake. Served w kimchi /does not include steamed rice, for delivery & pick up noodle is not included.
N-7. 韩式拉面(辣) Ra Myun (Spicy)
辣汤面。配有泡菜/不含蒸饭,配送和自提不含面条。 Spicy Noodle Soup. Served w kimchi /does not include steamed rice, for delivery & pick up noodle is not included.
月售10+ | 好评率100%
N-8. 辣炒年糕(辣) Dukboki (Spicy)
辣酱年糕与蔬菜。配有泡菜/不含蒸饭,配送和自提不含面条。 Rice Cake in Hot Sauce with Vegetables. Served w kimchi /does not include steamed rice, for delivery & pick up noodle is not included.
N-9. 辣炒年糕面条(辣) Raboki (Spicy)
辣酱年糕和拉面配蔬菜。配有泡菜/不含蒸饭,配送和自提不含面条。 Rice Cake and Ramen in Hot Sauce with Vegetables. Served w kimchi /does not include steamed rice, for delivery & pick up noodle is not included.
N-10. 朝鲜冷面 Mul Nang Myun
木薯淀粉面和蔬菜冷牛肉汤。配有泡菜/不含蒸饭,配送和自提不含面条。 Arrowroot Starch Noodle and Vegetables in Cold Beef Broth. Served w kimchi /does not include steamed rice, for delivery & pick up noodle is not included.
N-11. 拌冷面(辣) Bi Bim Nang Myun (Spicy)
木薯淀粉面和蔬菜混合辣酱。配有泡菜/不含蒸饭,配送和自提时不含面条。 Arrowroot Starch Noodle and Vegetables Mixed with Spicy Sauce. Served w kimchi /does not include steamed rice, for delivery & pick up noodle is not included.
月售10+ | 好评率100%
N-13. 韩式炸酱面 Jja Jang Myun
面条上有浓黑的黄豆酱,花生酱,猪肉,和蔬菜。配有泡菜/不包括蒸饭,外卖和自提的面条不包括在内。 Noodle Topped with Thick Black Soybean Sauce, Peanut Butter, Pork, and Vegetables. Served w kimchi /does not include steamed rice, for delivery & pick up noodle is not included.
月售10+ | 好评率100%
N-14. 炸酱炒面 Bokeum Jja Jang
浓黑酱油、猪肉、花生酱和蔬菜炒面。配有泡菜/不含蒸饭,送餐和提货的面条不包括在内。 Stir Fried Noodle with Thick Black Soybean Sauce, Pork, Peanut Butter and Vegetables. Served w kimchi /does not include steamed rice, for delivery & pick up noodle is not included.
月售10+ | 好评率100%
N-15. 炒码面(辣) Jjam Ppong (Spicy)
辣汤面配各种海鲜和蔬菜。配有泡菜/不包括蒸饭,外卖和自提不包括面条。 Spicy Noodle Soup with Assorted Seafoods and Vegetables. Served w kimchi /does not include steamed rice, for delivery & pick up noodle is not included.
N-16. 辣炒海鲜面(辣) Bokeum Jjam Ppong (Spicy)
辣子面,海鲜和蔬菜炒面。配有泡菜/不含蒸饭,配送和自提不含面条。 Stir Fried Noodle with Spicy Noodle , Assorted Seafoods and Vegetables. Served w kimchi /does not include steamed rice, for delivery & pick up noodle is not included.
月售10+ | 好评率100%
N-17. 白米饭 Rice
配有泡菜/不含蒸饭,配送和自提不含面条。 Served w kimchi /does not include steamed rice, for delivery & pick up noodle is not included.
月售10+ | 9人推荐
月售10+ | 好评率100%
月售10+ | 好评率100%
香肠,意大利辣香肠,蘑菇,洋葱和青椒。Sausage, pepperoni, mushroom, onion, and green pepper.
香肠,意大利辣香肠,蘑菇、洋葱,青椒,黑橄榄和火腿。Sausage, pepperoni, mushroom, onion, green pepper, black olive, and ham.
蘑菇,洋葱,青椒和黑橄榄。Mushroom, onion, green pepper and black olive.