瓦罐土鸡汤 Special Chicken Soup
鸡茸玉米羹 Chicken And Corn Soup
凉拌厥根粉 Cold Fern Root Noodles
烧椒皮蛋豆腐 Preserved Eggs And Tofu
洋葱木耳 Onion with Black Fungus
风味腊香肠 Special Dried Pork Sausage
烤猪蹄 Spicy Roast Pork Feet
辣拌土豆丝 Mash Potatoes with Hot Sauce
红油毛肚 Beef Tripe with Chili Sauce
现炸酥肉 Fried Crispy Pork Slice
台式盐酥鸡 Fried Chicken Breast
铁板孜然羊肉 Fried Lamb with Cumin
干锅手撕包菜煲 Stir-fried Cabbage in Dry Hot Pot
金沙鱼片 Basa Fillet with Salted Egg Yolk
火爆黄喉 Stir Fried Yellow Larynx
农家小炒肉 Stir-fried Shredded Pork & Pepper
烟笋炒五花肉 Pork Belly & Dried Bamboo
剁椒鸡蛋 Stir-fried Egg with Chopped Pepper
火爆毛肚 Stir-fried Beef Tripe
藤椒肥牛 Sliced Beef with Rattan Pepper
野山椒炒牛肉 Stir-fried Beef with Wild Pepper
红烧土豆牛腩煲 White Carrot & Brisket Clay Pot
葱爆肥牛 Sauteed Beef with Scallion
麻婆豆腐 Stir Fried Tofu in Hot Sauce
葱爆羊肉 Sauteed Lamb with Scallion
回锅肉 Double Cooked Pork & Peppers
地三鲜 Stewed Eggplant & Tomato
土豆丝 Stir-fried Shredded Potato
清炒时蔬 Stir-fried Seasonal Vege
蒜蓉粉丝蒸白菜 Steam Garlic Cabbage with Vermicelli
湘式腊味炒饭 Hunan-style Fried Rice
虾仁鱼籽炒饭 Fried Rice with Shrimp
四川担担面 Szechuan Dan Dan Noodles
酸辣粉 Hot And Sour Rice Noodles
重庆小面 Chongqing Spicy Noodles
红烧牛腩面 Braised Beef Brisket Noodles
杂蔬炒乌冬 Fried Udon with Mixed Veges
草莓果茶 Strawberry Fruit Tea
蜂蜜柠檬果茶 Honey Lemon Fruit Tea
蜂蜜柚子果茶 Honey Pomelo Fruit Tea
巧克力奶茶 Chocolate Mruit Tea
水果冰沙(1种水果) Fruit Smoothie (choose 1 fruit)
水果冰沙(2种水果) Fruit Smoothie (choose 2 fruit)