Niuhuang Jiedu Tablets
For Mouth Sores, Aphthous Tongue Sores, Severe Pain, Recurrent Attacks Caused By Hyperactive Stomach Fire, Dry Mouth, Fondness for Drinking, Constipation, Red Tongue with Yellow Coating, Deep And Strong Pulse; Stomatitis, Oral Ulcers, Etc.; Used for Gingival Redness, Swelling, Pain, Fever, Acute Periodontitis, Gingivitis Caused By Excessive Fire in Sanjiao; Sore Throat, Redness, Swelling, Strong Heat, Polydipsia, Constipation, Abdominal Distension, Chest Fullness, Yellow-red Urine, Red Tongue with Yellow Fur; Acute Pharyngitis, Etc.
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