The Meals Are Given Based On The Total Portion. If Some Of The Selected Meals Are Not Available, The Restaurant Will Substitute Other Items to Ensure The Total Portion.
10+ sold | 1 Reorders
Spicy Dry Hot Pot (for 3)
The Meals Are Given Based On The Total Portion. If Some Of The Selected Meals Are Not Available, The Restaurant Will Substitute Other Items to Ensure The Total Portion.
10+ sold
Spicy Dry Hot Pot (for 4)
The Meals Are Given Based On The Total Portion. If Some Of The Selected Meals Are Not Available, The Restaurant Will Substitute Other Items to Ensure The Total Portion.
10+ sold
Spicy Dry Hot Pot (for 5)
The Meals Are Given Based On The Total Portion. If Some Of The Selected Meals Are Not Available, The Restaurant Will Substitute Other Items to Ensure The Total Portion.
10+ sold
Spicy Dry Hot Pot (for 6)
The Meals Are Given Based On The Total Portion. If Some Of The Selected Meals Are Not Available, The Restaurant Will Substitute Other Items to Ensure The Total Portion.