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House Specialties
Hainam Chicken Rice
Gently Poached Boneless Chicken Thigh, Served with 3 Sauces, Chicken Flavored Rice, Fresh Cucumber, And A Side Of Chicken Soup. Chicken Is Served Chilled.
500+ sold | No.1 Reorder item
East River Salted Chicken
10+ sold
Thai Sweet Chili Chicken
10+ sold | 100% Positive
Fried-nam Chicken Rice
Panko-crusted Hainam Chicken, Served with 3 Sauces, Chicken Flavored Rice, Fresh Cucumber.
10+ sold | 4 Recs
Southeast Asian Chicken Noodle Soup
House Chicken Soup, Pho Noodles, Topped with House Hainam Chicken, Fresh Scallion, Cilantro, Onion And Sliced Lime, Served with 3 Sauces.