Motherwort Herb With Brown Sugar Drink 益母草紅糖茶
益母草具有活血调经,利尿消肿,清热解毒的功效,用于治疗月经不调,痛经经闭,恶露不尽,水肿尿少,疮疡肿毒。 药理研究表明,益母草有收缩子宫和抑制血小板聚集的作用,因此孕妇慎用/Motherwort has the effects of promoting blood circulation and regulating menstruation, diuresis and swelling, clearing away heat and detoxifying. It is used to treat irregular menstruation, dysmenorrhea and amenorrhea, endless lochia, edema and oliguria, sores, ulcers and poison. Pharmacological studies have shown that motherwort can contract the uterus and inhibit platelet aggregation, so pregnant women should use it with caution
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