to Ensure Your Authentic Hk Bubble Waffle Is Crispy On The Outside & Nbsp;and Mochi like Inside, Put It in A Toaster Oven for 3-5 Mins at 350*f Before You Enjoy!
10+ sold monthly | 82 people recommended
Bacon & Cheese Waffle
to Ensure Your Authentic Hk Bubble Waffle Is Crispy On The Outside & Nbsp;and Mochi like Inside, Put It in A Toaster Oven for 3-5 Mins at 350*f Before You Enjoy!
10+ sold monthly | 31 people recommended
Cheese & Pork Floss Waffle
to Ensure Your Authentic Hk Bubble Waffle Is Crispy On The Outside & Nbsp;and Mochi like Inside, Put It in A Toaster Oven for 3-5 Mins at 350*f Before You Enjoy!